Since the COVID-19 pandemic led to the most significant economic crisis on the aviation history, a wide range of options and considerable resources are needed to mature environmentally friendly technologies. The solution must be found in a more efficient and sustainable way.

Moreover carbon emissions and environmental concerns gradually came to the forefront since the first commercial airplane took off in 1914. Today, it’s on everyone’s mind. The aviation industry is under mounting pressure to reduce carbon emissions by 50 % by 2050, compared to 2005 levels. In this context, the EU-funded EFACA project will support the greening of the EU’s aviation industry and the corresponding policies by testing a hybrid turbo-electric propulsion system for a propeller-driven regional aircraft.

A consortium of 11 organisations undertakes activities for EFACA with the coordinator being PEDECE. The project’s budget is 3.8 million Euros with activities having started on 1st January 2023 and are scheduled to end on 31st December 2026.

EU policies

EFACA project follows this path and takes as overall guiding objectives the EU policies for environmentally friendly aviation (EFA), of which we highlight six:


The “New Green Deal” objective of carbon-neutral aviation by 2050


The “Fit for 55” objective of 55% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030


The ACARE Goals in Flightpath 2050


The PARE project objectives and recommendations


The European Partnership for Clean Aviation (EPCA) initiative focusing on activities at TRL4 and beyond


The importance of complete Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) including design, testing, certification, production, operations, and maintenance

Project Outreach

In addition to the CO2 objectives, non-CO2 emissions (water vapour, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, aerosols and particles, contrails and contrail cirrus) are also considered in this project, as well as the noise disturbance of near airport communities.